Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Package from down under :: The Scholarship

Every minute I wait, I find myself getting closer and closer to finals... procrastination is a hidden talent of mine... I'm so good at it that I don't even notice it! (enter sarcasm)

As I slowly breathe finishing my last shifts as a server until I return from Disney to put in seasonal hours, I finally decided to face my dreaded studying... but looking back on my weekend I really can't complain, because of friends and hardwork.

Friends because without them (and my family) I wouldn't be where I am today. And had it not been for all the amazing people I met at Disney, I may not have received a package from a kiwi down under.... a package "just because". To express the gratitude of existing in someones life and showing that they care for you. Friendships like that are hard to come by and I'm grateful to have several of them in my life ranging from Disney, Fridays, family and my rave family. You all mean the world to me.

and with my continued journey down the rabbit hole, I was blessed with a scholarship of 250$ towards my education. the first scholarship I ever received. If this is what it feels like to receive scholarship...I like it .... and lets just say I finally received the little motivation I needed to keep going. 

Because at the end of the day... it's all about that "Hug life"

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