Tuesday, March 27, 2012

San Francisco Part 2

*Note: the next few days of post will consist of events that have occurred over the last few weeks while traveling through California*

Me- "the map says we should be in San Francisco in 2 hours"

Megan- "yea if you're driving like a Granny"

yea... it was one of THOSE drives....

needless to say we made it alive and well (thank god) and let the photo exploring begin! After making our way to Megan's Parents place to say "herrrooo" to her pet dog and cats we worked up a appetite from the drive and what did we come across you may ask?? MY VERY FIRST TACO TRUCK!! So of COURSE I maxed out with some deliciousness and moved on to San Francisco riding the BART (train system) for my first time too! :)

After getting off the BART we walked down the street to get to Pier 39! While walking, I was admiring the trollies, trains, buses, and essentially every form of public transportation since It felt like I was stepping back in time with how vintage everything looked. 

The idea that all of this still existed along side with the modern San Fran 2012 was "hella" cool to see and practicing the word "hella" without sounding like I was from out of town was a challenge along the way haha ;)

Following the walk we finally got to Pier 39 after stopping every 2 seconds to take pictures, BUT I DON'T CARE if I looked like a little kid at a candy store, it was so cool and I wanted to take picturessss!

Any-who, Pier 39 consisted of an alarmingly large group of Tourist, a strong scent for salt water, roars from Sea Lions, future husbands for Taylor since she's into guys with dreadlocks AND the left hand store where I got my first left handed note book ;)

Strangest part about Pier 39? 

The fact that the craziest, creepiest, eerie Island Prison known as Alcatraz was within sight from pier 39 and people were taking pictures around it like it was no big deal.

 I'll admit that I was one of those few who did take pics by it, but I still found it to be so weird it was so close and that it was notorious for prisoners escaping right next to a tourist attractions as big as that Pier.... 

Following the Pier we headed off to continue our adventure through out San Francisco!

but until tomorrow, happy tuesday folks! :) 

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