Ferny- "I can't believe you made 100$ playing black Jack"
Me- "I know!! isn't that crazy how fast you can make money?... and loose it too"
you always have to remember the risk you take when gambling. The risk of loss, and potential gain. and I am a firm believer of things happening for a reason ;)
A couple days prior to the madness of last weeks first EVER EDC Chicago, aka Electric Daisy Carnival, I went gambling with some friends and I made a few bucks.
*note to remember that side note^^*
Over the next couple days I hear all the buzz about people getting hyped for EDC and I'm getting so happy for people! interacting with them left and right, whether it be online or over text. Some people I've never met before and some I've know for some time. but as the clock keeps ticking, closer and closer to this beautiful music festivals first debut, the more I feel as though I should be apart of this history in the making since my amazing city was in fact where House Music was born!!
So after much debate of "wanting the cake and eating it too" because of my other plans through out the summer I decided to only attend one day of the music festival (the last day that is), because I knew I would be able to see some amazing artist and meet some amazing new people along the way!
and that's when it happened. for privacy and confidentiality purposes we'll change up some names....
Mr. Joe whom I just met on facebook for our common love and interest in music off of the event page online..... had offered me an amazing opportunity where due to the unfortunate miss hap of his friend not being able to go to the first day of the music festival, offered me the ticket for the one day.
- In disbelief
- Did I mention SHOCKED?
I really couldn't believe it, I spoke to friends in multiple ways about taking this risk of getting thrown under the bus... and after the majority poll pulled through I decided to take the 45 minute risk of driving down to Joliet and find my new friend who was about to give such an amazing gift to a stranger who would be eternally grateful...
Blasting music on the drive, my friends Eladio and Claudia, excited for our adventure because they to were going, decided to join me on the drive for the crazy dancing till 4:00am. and upon the arrival that's when we saw it..... the Race track.....
still in disbelief that's when it happened....

Mr. Joe- "Sorry my buddy is coming now.... real sorry bro, he's on his way"
knowing it was too good to be true, I was disapointed... and sad that I drove all this way, literally parked my car and now received a text that said that... lets just say I was about to transform into a decepticon.... considering I had a transformers outfit on... so I decided against my better wishes to say.
"the heck with it, I drove ALL this way, I might as well make the most of it and pay to go!!!"
*picturing people cheering me on "YEA ETHAN YOU GO!!!"*
but in reality it was two of my friends saying that and not a crowd lol. So as I approached the venue ready to buy tickets, that's when I heard him...
random guy with cool glasses-"hey are you guys looking to buy tickets?"
Me- "yes actually!! how much?"
random guy with cool glasses- "100$"
*eyes WIDE OPEN*
remember the 100$ I made playing black jack? I knew things happen for a reason, and sometimes its the spotaneity of life that can create the greatest of memories!! and the memories that follow that weekend were breath taking ;)
I think it's safe to say it was a nice early birthday gift to myself I could NOT complain.
cheers to the past, the preset, and the future of music, life, and love as the never ending story continues its twists and turns :)

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