When thinking of memories, we think of "the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences" according to the dictionary definition.
As simple, yet complex memories are to people around the world, I was fortunate enough to help capture memories of Mickey mouse and his pals.
While making a surprise visit in Canada with some close friends of his, Mickey saw a Beautiful little girl who was dressed like Snow white. Excited to meet all of Mickeys Friends, this little girl was having the time of her life, conversing with every single character, making them feel just as special as the next.
As Mickey saw the magic across this little girls face, he couldn't help but surprise her with a very close friend of his. Anxiously curious this little girl, walked with mickey, closed her eyes, only to open her little eyes to none other than Snow White.
Another day at the job right?
....and another memory created :')
P.s. Mickeys #1 not Donald.
sorry not sorry.
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