Dancing is an art. its essentially expressing ones body to music to show a connection one has with its surroundings. Sometimes it's erotic, playful, silly, beautiful or mesmerizing, but all in all everyone dances.
Something as little as tapping your foot to a beat, or fully dancing a choreographed routine, everyone dances. Even after I lost my extra pudgy-ness, I started dancing. and you know what? I LOVED IT and after 5 months of waiting while working for the Walt Disney Company, I was FINALLY able to dance with Goofy at Stiches Tomorrowland Dance Party.
I mean come on guys, if there's anyone who could be the definition of embarrassing its Goofy when it comes to dancing, but somehow he just doesn't care.......and I respect this Goof for it

(Thanks Kenneth for helping me get this AMAZING picture of Goofy. he really appreciates it)