As children, we get excited for new toys, new movies, new anything!
new events that happen in our lives allows for our senses to react differently in new situations and make for a better first experience to remember because when its repeated day in and day out, it gets old and its not nearly as appreciated as much as the first time.
Pumped since the first day I saw the previews with that over grown Goliath of a monster Ralph, I was TOO pumped to meet this new Disney Character and let me tell you, considering I'm 6ft tall and not exactly a twig, I was pretty impressed with Ralph's physique.... OH and Vanellope's candy hair ^.^

Not only is the wrecking machine apart of this world of new events, memories, and experiences, but my family is apart of the fun as well.
At the time of the release for Wreck it Ralph, my Sisters family decided to try something new and join me for the spooctacular adventures across Magic Kingdom for Mickeys-not-so-scary-Halloween Party!
From little Snow White meeting her favorite princess, to Captain America showing off his awesome skills in jumping and flexing his muscles, there wasn't a dull moment in this candy filled vacation :)
On a serious professional note though concerning myself with work....
My JOB, consist of creating memories for guests' of ALL AGES no matter what. My JOB consists of creating magic for a guest you may or may not know and lastly, my JOB isn't really a JOB if you love what you do, for if you love what you do, you'll NEVER work a day in your life.
I am blessed to have had my loving and caring mother visit Goofy for the first time across this magical journey :)
to see the smile she had from ear to ear as she saw goofy when she walked through that curtain.... as she hugged him and told him "I love you".... Goofy could only express himself with an even tighter hug because sometimes words don't have to be said to get the point across that goofy loves her just as much....
and as the eyes across her glasses glistened with tears of joy, Goofy new that he did what he loves to do on a daily basis, create magic for someone, but on THIS day someone created magic for the Goof man himself.
I love you Mom, always and forever and I'm SO grateful for you to have seen Goofy for the first time.
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